The uniqueness of the Garcia method consists in a combination of Western and Eastern approaches to massage techniques. According to him, the Western approach is purely materialistic: here is a muscle, here is a vessel, a nerve passes here, so you need to act at this point. Everything can be touched, seen, analyzed.
The Eastern concept is based on the interaction of the subtle energies of the specialist and the client. It is impossible to see it, to touch it, but this does not mean that it is not there. The massage therapist's hands can wake up the points on the patient's body that are responsible for the energy output.
As Professor Garcia says, residents of megacities most of all need internal balance, and massage can help with this.
The results of the Spanish face massage by the method of Enrique Castells Garcia are impressive - restoring the oval of the face, increasing the elasticity of the skin and the tone of the face muscles, enriching the skin with oxygen and removing toxins, activating the processes of cell regeneration.